28 nov. 2009

Samba o mingla på portugisiska (med hjälp av substantiv!!!!)

17.32 São Paulo - Brasilien


Igår va det BALADA (Party)!!

Det var meningen att jag och Andreza skulle gå ut, till antingen ett samba ställe eller ett rock ställe. Om jag ska va ärlig, så lockade inget av ställena mig särskilt mycket eftersom jag har varit väldigt enspårig vad det gäller musik när jag går ut… Hur som helst så försöker jag bättra mig med detta, o dt är ju faktiskt inte så illa om man har en bra vän med sig. Då kan man ju stå o hänga o prata istället.

Hur som helst när jag stod o gjorde i ordning mig kom ett par hem till oss som också jobbar på Atlas Copco och som var med på Thiagos fest i hans country house. Dom skulle också ut o jag antog att Andreza hade ringt dit dom. Senare fick jag vet att så var inte fallet, och Andreza kunde ändå bara vara ute maximalt tre timmar och då in Barueri. Så det slutade med att jag hängde med det här paret o ett gäng tjejer till ett samba-ställe i centrala Sao Paulo. Åhhh gud vad jag hade roligt!!! Jag tyckte att samba var en tråkig dans förut, men inte nu längre!!!

Det roliga var också att det bara var en som pratade engelska och det var killen. Men jag körde på med min superkassa portugisiska och byggde meningar med enbart verb och substantiv… Jag är ganska bra på substantiv. Så här var mingeldrottningen igen, minglade på alla sätt och vis för att göra sig förstådd. Haha!!!

Såklart lyckades jag ju få massa nya kompisar igår, så på söndag ska jag ha lunch me en tjej som pratar ytte-pytte lite engelska. Men det blir kul!!! Och killen sa till mig att jag kunde se dom som mina kompisar ”mina” han betonade det så jag skulle veta att dom är mina riktiga kompisar! Det kändes så bra!! Jag tror nog att ni förstår varför jag älskar Brasilien så mycket – FOLKET!!!

Sen när jag kommer hem efter druckit ett gäng capirinhas så förstör jag min dator. På morgonen gick den inte att starta, så jag var tvungen att gå till en återställningspunkt och ominstallera msn!!! Usch jäkla dator som ska krångla, eller va dt jag som gjorde nåt…. Hum… minns inte. Nu verkar den må bra iaf!!!
Puss o hej

27 nov. 2009

Barueri - här är jag blyg

21.04 São Paulo - Brasilien


Barueri är en historia för sig som jag måste berätta för er om. Det här är helt ur min synvinkel och jag vet inte riktigt om den stämmer till hundra procent, men det är så jag har upplevt det här stället. Jag älskar att bo här för det känns som att det här är Brasilien, nu får jag äntligen uppleva.

Jag ska börja med att förklara de tidigare platserna jag har bott på för att ni ska förstå bättre.

Itaim Bibi där jag bodde först i två veckor är DYRT, alla har pool och bor ganska flott. Allt är nära, shopping, restauranger, bussar, centrum. Santo Amaro är uppdelat i ett mindre bra område och ett bra område, jag har bara befunnit mig i det bra området. Hur som helst så där jag bodde såg ut så här utifrån:

Pool på baksidan och allmänt lyxigt… Båda ställen hade en grindvakt som tryckte på en knapp för att öppna grinden till en när man kom.

Barueri, är en plats där man har maximalt utnyttjat ytan för att bygga så många hus som bara var möjligt. Det påminner lite om ett husvagnsområde faktiskt.

Området är mycket, mycket större än vad det ser ut på den här bilden men det va vad jag lyckades med på bussen

Överallt är det också väldigt branta backar och väldigt ojämn mark, ni kan ju tänka er hur bussfärderna är här!

Här bor jag och familjen, det är större ut än det ser ut utanpå

Och en bild på grinden i bussen, detta är varför man inte kan ta med sig något på bussen, för man måste i genom den här grinden. Den finns också på långfärdsbussar.

Det är mycket folk på gatorna hela tiden och bilar som åker runt med megafoner på taket. Vattenbilen har nån konstig musik ungefär som glassbilen hemma i Sverige och andra bilar ser ut som en stor box med högtalare åt alla håll och ropar ut nåt pris på nåt som jag inte har den blekaste om vad det kan vara.

Först trodde jag att mamman, Marina här i huset inte hade något jobb och var hemmafru, men igår fick jag veta att hon är hårfrisörska och salongen ligger i vårt hus men med en annan ingång. Så idag fick jag nycklarna dit för att blåsa och platta håret, kändes lite lyxigt att fixa håret i en salong även fast den är liten. Hon är ju ända frisören i salongen, men detta förklarar i alla fall vad hon går hela tiden, hon är alltså inte ute på gatorna och strövar som allt annat folk.

Idag när jag tog bussen till Alphaville för att luncha med min vän Magnus gamla rumskompis så fick ju göra detta själv för första gången. Jag hade två tankar i huvudet när jag gick till busshållplatsen och när jag stod och vänta:

Den ena var ”Hoppas att dom vänjer sig snart vid att det bor en blondin här i området”

Den andra var ”Koncentrera dig nu så att du inte trillar här när du går, det vore ju pinsamt, alla i Barueri skulle säkert veta det i så fall”.

Barueri är fullt av mini-skönhetssalonger, små shoppar och barer och det är folk överallt som står och hänger så man känner sig verkligen uttittad. Annat än Santo Amaro som var helt öde i området där jag bodde. Det är lite känsla av en camping, alla har semester och hänger vid varandras husvagnar. Kul att få uppleva kulturen här i alla fall. Och om jag någon gång är blyg, så är det här!!!

Jag har också lyckats ta en snygg bild på vovven, eller vad säger ni!?!

Andreza and Monica

Sen måste jag också berätta att igår så kom Andreza och Monica hem lite oväntat och knackade på min dörr. Jag som hade tidigt bytt om till nattlinne blev lite chockad men också väldigt glad när dom ville hitta på något. Så vi åkte till Starbucks och jag bjöd mina underbara vänner på Frapucino (eller vad det heter) o va gott! Vi försökte förgäves få en bra bild på alla tre med självutlösning men det blev bara en bild som Andreza blunda på, hahaha!!!


25 nov. 2009

Min brasilianska familj

17.33 São Paulo - Brasilien


Jag har det verkligen jättebra på mitt nya ställe jag bor! Mamman, Marina tror jag är hennes namn, är helt underbart snäll! Igår när jag hade varit inne på mitt rum och pluggat hela dagen kom hon in med varmchoklad och två smörgåsar. Så himla gullig. Det är riktigt lyxigt också för att flera gånger om dagen gör hon färskpressad juice, Gud så gott!!!

Idag visade Monica mig hur jag ska ta bussen till Alphaville, vägen dit tog cirka en timme (tar 13 minuter med bil) hur som helst var det ganska lätt dit. Jag är bara orolig för vägen tillbaka eftersom jag tycker att allt ser likadant ut… Jag vet inte riktigt vart jag ska gå av bussen, så imon gäller det att vara modig! För imorgon så ska jag på lunch med en kompis kompis. Nämligen min svenske vän Magnus rumskompis (när han bodde i Brasilien), det ska bli kul! O förstås blir det Sushi!!! <3

Här där jag bor så kan pappan lite engelska och Monica också, men det mesta av kommunikationen går genom google translate haha!!! Så idag hade jag ett långt samtal med Monicas morbror, och han förklarade att hans syster (Marina) blir glad av att jag bor här, för hon gillar att ha folk omkring sig, det var väldigt härligt att få höra att man är så pass uppskattad!!!

Jag känner verkligen att det här kunde inte blivit bättre, vilken underbar familj!!!

Förutom att familjen är underbar så bor jag nära Atlas Copco och alla mina vänner där. Tre av mina vänner bor nära mig och en av dem bor bara 10 minuter härifrån!!! Förutom det har jag ju underbara Monica som bor på övervåningen! Det är nära!

Vovven, som bestämmer över mig, ser nästan ut som ett gosedjur!! Haha!! Försökte ta en annan bild me både mig och han (Peter heter han med engelskt uttal), men han ville bara bitas så dt tyckte inte jag va kul.

Ses senare, puss o kram!!

24 nov. 2009

You are not the boss over me, the DOG is!

12.07 São Paulo - Brazil

Time to switch to svenska. Japp för nu är jag i Brasilien!!! Varmt o skönt är det här, än så länge har jag väl knappt varit ute nåt, måste plugga o dt finns la inte nåt direkt ställe att va ute på här… Men, men jag får undersöka senare om dt finns nåt ställe som man kan ligga bli lite solbränd ;)

Stället jag bor på här är helt fantastiskt, en helt underbar liten trevlig familj o jag har fått en stor säng – nästan en dubbelsäng. Det finns internet i hela huset o istället för iskallt vatten så kan man välja mellan svalt eller hot!!! Gött!

Familjen består av en mamma o en pappa och Monica (min vän), hennes bror och sen var det nån mer här igår kväll när jag kom hem… Dessutom har dom en katt och en hund (en pudel), katten får inte komma in på mitt rum då blir jag nog allergisk, men hunden är så söt så jag kan inte motstå den… Enda problemet är att hunden är uppenbarligen ”The boss over me”, åtminstone beter han sig som det… o jag vågar inte annat än att lyda haha!!

Ja, till exempel första gången jag kom hem låg han under sängen o skällde på mig så jag vågade inte gå in. Men värst är när jag ligger i min säng me datorn o så kommer han o myser me mig o sen blir han jobbig för jag får inte mysa o skriva på datorn samtidigt så då säger jag att han ska gå ut. Då blir han arg o skäller på mig, så då är det bäst att vara tyst. Jag är kass på hundar, jag är alldeles för rädd… O dt värsta är att jag vet att dt kommer bli värre om jag inte säger ifrån, så nu försöker jag stänga dörren…

Igår träffade jag mina underbara vän Tereza, vi gick till Outback (australienskt ställe me amerikansk mat).

Det här är en jättestor lök som dom har friterat varenda liten bit - onyttigt, populärt, annorlunda, onyttigt, onyttigt -  var bara tvungen att prova! GOTT!

Så dt verkar som jag äntligen ska få lära mig lite SAMBA, haha, dt behöver jag!!! Dessutom hjälpte Tereza mig med mitt stora problem med flygbiljetterna… Jo, min semester här i Brasilien är en beach hopping trip med massa party o improvisering!! Gud va dt ska bli roligt! Så igår betalade jag de här flygbiljetterna så nu är det fritt fram för resan! Det är nog dt galnaste jag har gjort… förutom att åka till Brasilien helt själv utan att känna en själ eller ha någonstans att bo då förstås.

Dr. went to USA

Ha dt got där hemma i snön (om dt kommer ngn)!


22 nov. 2009


11.40 Borås – Sweden

Last hours in Sweden…

Today I’m going back to Brazil. I can’t believe it, I’m so excited!!! I’m going to see all of wonderful Brazilian friends, enjoy the sun, go on a beach hopping trip in Brazil (that’s my plan for summer by the way) and I also have a meeting… It’s always something exciting happening in Emma’s world, if it is not exciting; you can make sure that I will make it exciting!!! Hehe

I haven’t been writing in my blog lately, because I have been working the whole week. It has really been a CRAZY week, in two points of views… Anyway, as I have had a lot to do I also worked at yesterday, on a Saturday!!! That’s good! I’m a designer on a company that develops and manufactures pellets burners, the company is called GreenEnergy. And this week I actually finished two new pellets burners in ONE week! That is really amazing, my boss was really proud!!

Besides from working yesterday I also went out to have a pre-party at the “Crazy Farm” (a name I came up with yesterday). Unfortunately, I couldn’t relive the location of this crazy farm, but besides I don’t think any of you want to go there, haha! It is a really crazy COW there!!

Before I went out my friend also colored my eyelashes and eyebrows, so know I have visual eyebrows without make-up hehe!!! (Ok I’m exaggerated a little bit) Fit for fight for the beach!!

A typical symbol of Sweden
It is a little bit funny, because Germans or just crazy about this symbol! You can buy this symbol to have on your T-shirt, your cup, with your keys, on your glass, EVERYTHING! And all Germans do that! They are so fascinated about this and it is actually necessary to have this in Sweden!


15 nov. 2009

HARD night out

22.34 Borås - Sweden


Yesterday were suppose to be a calm night "in", but became a hard night "out"!!!!

Me and Eve were at my grandparents place and ate some “Lutfisk”, it is a fish that is dry. And then you cook it and it gets very jelly-like. It doesn’t really taste anything but when you put some spices on it, it gets very nice. You eat it usually on Christmas with potato and white sauce. From the beginning this was a way for Swedish people to eat fresh fish in the winter.

I haven’t eaten Lutfisk for a long time so I had forgotten the taste of it, it looks very suspicious but actually taste great. Evelina had never eaten it before but she liked it also. My grandparents also made desert and it was rice with oranges and cream. Ok, I get it – it sounds horrible!! But it is sooooo good!!!

We didn’t want to go out, but then when we were going from my grandparents’ place we put on the radio in the car and there she was… LADY GAGA with pokerface. Who doesn’t get in partymood when you hear her?!?!?!?!? Hahaha

So we were very spontaneous yesterday and went out anyway!!!

We had so much fun, and even do I didn't drink very much... I woke up in my party outfit in my bed next to my lovely friend Evelina. I hadn’t washed of my makeup or anything. And crazy as I am, I’m still walking around in my party outfit!!! Always ready to PARTY!!!! I usually remember everything but not after this night. So Evelina told me, my mum and brother what I did yesterday and I couldn’t help myself, I had to laugh with a lot of water in my mouth!! It ended up with all of the water coming out from my mouth… I had to leave to table to sneeze because it was lemon water – not very nice to have lemon in the nose!!! Haha.

Then Evelina continued the story and this time it was my mother’s turn to laugh with water in her mouth and she had to run from the table, because she couldn’t help herself either!!! So I guess I was funny, and crazy!!! Hahha
Today, besides from sleeping like the whole day we have had what my brother called Plugg-LAN (in English Study-LAN). We have been very neardy hear today, been sitting with three computers and studying today!!! I have a lot of things to do!!! Better get going!!

Now it is only seven days left, Brazil her I come!!!


14 nov. 2009

Up with the cock after "Noite de Brasil"

09.57 Borås - Sweden

"Up with the cock"

Yes, today I’m up with the cock as way say when we wake up early in Sweden. Today it is Saturday but I want some things done, so I had to wake up early. I don’t know about the rest of the world, but Swedish cocks are waking up at 7.00 am every morning and then they are making a hell of a sound to wake the whole neighborhood up… isn’t that right?

Now I have just 30 minutes for my blog, of course!! Haha!! Then I’m going on a spinning class at my gym. Then I need to study A LOT, different subjects… Anyway this is not very common to do in Sweden – to go up early on Saturday to work out and study hehe!!

I’m even going to be this ambitious so I’m not sure if I will go out tonight, and then I can wake up early tomorrow again to study, hehe!!!

Yesterday, we had a Brazilian night at my grandparents place! They loved the Brazilian things! And to really celebrate we drank wine. Ohh God, I have missed drinking wine to everything… It is not very common to have wine in Brazil it is more common with beer and Capirinha.

My lovely grandparents!!!

If I have time today, I will have a very traditional Swedish meal at my grandparents’ house. This dish is called “Lutfisk” and is a special fish that we eat around Christmas in Sweden. If I remember right it is like jelly and I think we have it with cinnamon, and not all Swedish people like it. I will probably go there today, because it was several years ago that I ate it!!!

Anyway now I have to go to my gym!!


13 nov. 2009

Absent-minded ---- stripping infront of a webcam

11.52 Borås - Sweden


Now I have lost all sense of control over myself, hehe! I have always been very absent-minded, but not this much. When I was talking to my grandma in my phone today I did some really stupid stuff.

I was brushing my hair and suddenly I couldn't find the hairbrusch anymore. And I had a lot of more hair to brusch. Guess what!?! I had put it in the fridge. When I'm finished with my hair, still talking to my grandma, I went back to the sofa where my the computer is... And I have Evelina on the webcam. And after I while I forgot everything about Evelina and that she could see me. And as I felt hot in my bathtub I started to strip... Evelina just shouted: ("Så här strippar man!?!") "So you are just stripping!?!?!

Haha, wow... Emma cool down and try to focus!!!

Welcome to Borås - what YOU don't know about YOURSELF others can tell you

00.21 Borås - Sweden

Welcome to Borås - what YOU don't know about YOURSELF others can tell you!!

Yeap, this is the city I'm from. Everyone knows everything about everyone. They even know more about you than you know. I just want to add here, that I'm not like that at all!! As my "boss" in Brazil said to me: "You're not Swedish, you're not English and you're not Brazilian - you have become something different now". That is soooo true!!

Nothing have happened, so don't be alarmed - I'm just relieving the truth about people from my city. I had almost forgotten about Borås, how people talk... I was suprised to hear so much bullshit.

Example 1:
A girl comes up to another girl saying "ohh my god do you know what your friend's boyfriend did?!"
Girl 1 is answering: "No I don't"
Girl 2: "He flirted with me all summer, he is a true player" 
Girl 1 knows that Girl 2 is lying (because she always is, but it didn't matter because they weren't together that summer anyway) so she just tell Girl 2 that they weren't togehter anyway.

Ex-boyfriend got to know about the lie and is answering very suprised:
"Who is that?.... oh, her.... she is my friend's friend.  I felt so bad because the only things I have done to her have been mean. We were out and she came to say hello, but then another person came to say hello so I forgot about her."

Example 2:
Two girls jumps in to a cab with three guys. 5 minutes later this rumor can be heard at the pizza shop at the other side of the town center.

And if you want to know anything about yourself, there are always people that can tell you that!! Isn’t that great!! You don’t need to figure that out by yourself. Maybe I should go and found out who I am… or that would just make me more confused!! Hehe
Boa noite

11 nov. 2009

Evelina is crazy - I'm already dead...

15.23 Borås - Sweden

Hello everyone!

I'm like dead right now. Me and Evelina did a spinning class at the gym earlier today, and it was a really exhaustig one. And now my friend has gone crazy and has just talked me into doing two more classes today!!! My God!! She is crazy!!!! 3 hours at the gym today, why not…..? I love to go to the gym and I feel so good every time I do, but seriously three hours??

Ok, I’m going to do it, I have to put up with her… She is putting up with me all the time! I’m going to be really dead later, haha, but don’t mind about that…

And next Sunday I’m going back to Brazil – three more months!! And it is going to be summer this time!!! I’m looking forward to it so much, finally some nice weather, some beaches… As my mum says; this is my reward after working this hard through all my education! I’m going to reveal my plans for this “summer”


10 nov. 2009

TEAM Eve and Emma (a great, really smart team - for sure)

22.24  Borås -Sweden

Hey everyone!

Sorry, for not writing anything for a couple of days... Anyway, here I am again!!

Today, me and Evelina are going to have a scary movie night again! We still have 4 movies left to see... hehe!! And as we have become healthy freaks and are working out 5 days a week, we decided to not have popcorn tonight... so we exchanged the popcorn and are now having vegetables with creme fraiche as a starter and then a fruit bowl to the movie.

Evelina has told me to write something that I'm very embarrassed about... Remember that I told you a long time ago that I can make some stupid comments... But this is really stupid, I have to tell you that I was tired... that is my excuse. I was preparing our fruit bowl and we had to defrost some raspberries and we don't have a microwave, so I put the raspberries in a bag in the zink and put some water in there.

Anyway, Evelina tells me in a very serious way: "Did you know that it is defrosting faster if you put metal into the water" and on the same time she is puttung a knife into the water. I'm so stupid and I'm saying "Ahhh, I didn't know that". So embarrassing, I'm a Mechancial Engineer I don't know what I was thinking, so stupid!

We were at the supermarket earlier today. They were handing out boxes for free, to have cookies in. They called them Julburk which means Christmas box. I was shouting to Evelina to take one for me as well, then in the car we were sitting and laughing at them because they were so ugly!!!! And Evelina told me that she couldn’t understand why all people didn’t take one… hehe!! Maybe that is not that weird, maybe it is just that simple that all people just don’t want to carry home an ugly JULBURK!!!

This weekend, me and Evelina were out partying! It was really a good night, with an unexpected end... ;-)

Our outfits for the night ;-)

And of course we had my favorite drink “White Russian” – the milkdrink!!! Ok, I realize that this picture isn’t the most charming one haha!!

6 nov. 2009

SATURDAY - ohh, is it Friday today?? Even better - FRIDAY COZY

21.39 Borås – Sweden

Boa noite

Today it is Friday – which means that it is ”Friday cozy” today (fredagsmys). All Swedes are working on Fridays but the office people usually have the benefit to leave one hour earlier den usual. However, me and Evelina “thought” that it was Saturday and went to Gothenburg to do SOME shopping (some is a lie – it was A LOT of shopping :P - love it!!!!). Now we are following the tradition and we are having Friday cozy as the rest of Sweden. This time we didn’t rent 3 scary movies – we rented 5!!! I can ensure that there are no scary movies in the movie store that we haven't seen!!!

This is one of the dresses that I tried that I didn't buy!!! Wait until you see my outfit for tomorrow night!! That dress is really unbeatable!!!!

In one of the stores we found the coolest necklaces!!! One had a microphone and the other had earphones. When we were looking at them and Evelina was holding the microphone necklace, she suddenly said:

- That fits you well; you’re loud and talk a lot! (Det passar ju dig bra, högljudd och pratar mycket!)

I just burst into the biggest laugh, because that is so true!!! Haha, she really knows me! And Evelina is really the best listener so as a best-friend-gift I bought the earphones for her and the microphone for me. We really complete each other!!!

I have had so much fun today, even though we had to hurry a lot today to have time to do all of this that we have done – I have been laughing almost the whole time!!!

We went to Gothenburg by car and I can ensure you it is not easy to drive there!!! We had to go to Evelina’s nail school because she was going to buy some nail stuff. We were like going everywhere before we found a “blue” bridge that Evelina kept on talking about, that was on the way to her school. The bridge was actually green and Evelina told me that it changed color when it was raining… that must be high-tech or what????

Me and Evelina together are like two blondes sometimes. Evelina is half Moroccan and usually Moroccan girls have black hair but hers is lighter. Anyway people use to call her a “Moroccan Blondie” and today it really felt as we were to blondes walking around saying stupid things. For example we were both thinking really hard; how can the counter in the parking house know how many parking spots that are left? Are there sensors in the ground? WOW, that is stupid!!! haha

After the shopping in Gothenburg, we took a break and went back to Borås to work out at the gym and then we countinued our shopping in the famous ”Knalleland” in Borås. Knalleland is actually famous in some parts of Sweden… it is a big mall with over 90 stores.

When we finally had finished our shopping we went to ”Systembolaget” the store that the Swedish government owns to buy alcohol. Because in Sweden the government is controlling all alcohol and if you want to drink anything at home before you go to the club you have to buy everything in advance! We are going to have red wine tomorrow <3 a lot of red wine… 3 or 4 liters… I think that is enough – hehe!!! No, no, no, we are not alcoholics… rsrs

To finish this wonderful day we went to pick up some thai food. And as Evelina is tired of the traditional fruit bowl and popcorn that we use to have when we watch movies, we went to get some vegetables and crème fraiche and popcorn (of course) instead. Healty snack for healty people!!! Tomorrow we are going to go to two classes at the gym!!!

Time to watch scaaaarrryy movies!!! ATÉ!!

5 nov. 2009

I can see it snowing, I can see it snowing...

01.23 Borås - Sweden

Oiiiiiiee tudo! (I'm not sure that you actually can say that....)

I can see it snowing, I can see it snowing! Isn't that funny, hurra! That is one of our most famous Swedish snow-songs translated to English. And I'm singing, because it is snowing here tonight!!! Only a little bit and it is probably gone tomorrow anyway.... :(    

A part of me are wishing for A LOT of snow and another part is wishing for the snow to go away... FAST, because it is so much work just to get into the car in the morning. The doors on my car (that I'm not driving this season... but anyway...) are always getting stuck when it is cold...if I'm lucky I can open one of the backdoors and then go into the car to kick the door from the inside to get it open!!! Then when I'm finished with this complicated procedure to get into the car... I have to take the snow away from the window to be able to see anything!!

But still, I just love to see everything white like a fairytale when I wake up in the morning! That is a truly a beautiful view!

It is not much.. but it is more than it ever is in Sao Paulo...

The black car in the middle is mine!!!

Good night!!!


4 nov. 2009

Me and Eve - desperate! For what? FRUITS!

02.29 Borås - Sweden


I just have to tell you this!! Yesterday, me and Eve went to Bodycombat to fight a little bit... :P I love bodycombat!!! Anyway, appearently I was a little bit tired and disorganized... so I hit myself with an uppercut right on my chin!! MY GOD, that hurted!!!! At least now I know that I can hit VERY hard!

The most exciting thing that have happened these two days (Monday and Tuesday) was this night when me and Evelina were racing through Borås just to get to the supermarket before it closed.  We got to "City" (the supermarket) exactly 22.00, which means CLOSED... But we were too desperated to buy a melon, an apple and a pear so we called the supermarket and asked them to open for us!! (Eve used to work there... which is pretty useful when you are desperate for fruits... rsrs).

So now we have just finished two horror movies and eaten the fruits and the traditional popcorn while watching the movie for a change... Eve is sitting here next to me waiting for me to finsih with my blog post because she needs to be walked to the toilet... YES, the movies were scary... We actually watched a very good one called "Haunting in connecticut" or something like that. I'm trying to convince her to do "the spirit in the glass" (anden i glaset) with me... I need some answers for something!!! Bu I think she is to much of chicken for that... haha!!!

Boa noite - Beijos

2 nov. 2009

Tiger family in church!

00.40 Borås – Sweden – At my sister’s place

Boa noite,

I should be sleeping, but I love being awake at night – late (that could probably explain why I hate going up in the morning so much – haha). Anyway…

Today my class was cancelled at the gym so I went with my mum and sister to their gym instead. And I had to do a spinning class instead. I really HATE and LOVE spinning, I love it because I know that it is such a good workout but I hate because you are going and going and after an hour you have gone nowhere………. GREAT!!???

Earlier today my brother was baptized so almost the whole family went to church (we don’t do that very often…). He is 5 months and pretty big so he couldn’t wear the traditional dress…

From the left: The two Godfathers; my uncle Jörgen and my Dad's wife Linda's brother, Linda, Dad, Jack, Priest

Curious as I am, I started to think… are there a psalm with number 666 (the devil’s number)? I just had to find out, and I was also very curious about what the psalm was about if it excited.

And it did! And it is about Satan and demons and hell of course – NOT! Haha, just kidding… It wasn’t about anything interesting hehe!!

My babybrother jumping - he loves that!!

This is my Dad Magnus and my uncle Jörgen and grandma Gunnel

This is me and all my siblings! My sister Frida to the left and my brother Emil to the right!!! And our babybrother Jack at my lap!!

In Sweden we always give our children alcohol on the day when they are baptized. No unfortunately not - we are not having that fun! But actually my uncle that also is my brother’s Godfather gave my brother Port wine to save for his 18 years-birthday. That is a very nice gift, I am actually very impressed! I wish I had an old Port-wine to open… (or sell… rsrs)

Today I am going to spend the night at my sister’s place – we share a hobby – we love the game SIMS. Ok, silly, but at least we are having fun… haha!! But it is not the same without her… So today we could finally play for some hours before going to bed :-)

Boa noite – Good night – Sov gott!

1 nov. 2009

In a big big Borås...

17.37 Borås - Sverige

Boa noite (it is dark outside),

Saturday - me, Evelina, Maria and her baby Zara were on a "cultural" tour in Sweden. We went around Borås to enjoy... ;)  .... all the art around Borås.

This is Pinocchio, it is a 9.5 meter high statue that Borås has had an internal fight over. The statue was introduced in Borås last year after a big argument, because some people thought that the statue wasn't a nice signature for Borås. I mean people from Borås are not made of wood and they don't have "long" noses...

Now, the Pinocchio statue is famous in Sweden and has become a tourist attraction here in Borås!

The picture above is of me and Evelina standing in front of Borås beautiful, but polluted river, Viskan, in the center of Borås. Here, in this river, especially in the center of Borås you can find a lot of things. It is very common to find beer cans, empty plastic bags, bicycles and shopping carts in the river.

There is even a man that was in the newspaper because he made a lot of money finding bicycles in that river that he pimped up and then sold. But still I don't know what they have done to that river to make it produce bicycles...

Evelina, Maria and her baby Zara.

In the background of this picture, you can see the bus square - it is very busy there..... rsrs

As Sweden is a cold country, we have our swimming pools inside. This is the building where we go for a swim... Notice that this is still the dirty river, Viskan, in front of the building and as it is dirty and a lot of bicycles in there people usually don't swim in river (only in the pools inside of the buildings). But there are some crazy people - I wont mention any names... hmmm.. ok then... me ;) - that do crazy things just to be a part of a strange group at high school - so I took a dirty swim in there once - rsrs

This is a Swedish bus - everyone have their own seat - haha
Soooo nice!!!

This is beautiful Borås and in the background you can see the clock tower of the church that my brother was baptist in today.

Eve - always crazy!!!!!

To spend saturday night at home is typical Swedish - so that was exactly what we did me, Eve and Maria. To make the night even more special we decided to make a three-courses meal. And as we are sooo traditional we just had to watch scary movies. Actually, a ghost came to visit us later and scared the crap out of me and Eve.

On the picture to the right: Maria with her baby (that slept to her first scary movie yesterday night) and Evelina. On the plates we have our starters that we made up by ourselves. It is  tomato filled with fried zucchini, spenat and mozzarella that we heated up in the oven - a very healthy tomato!!

To right: The scary movies we rented - the first one to the left was a girl with ugly clothes and some lesbian porn (we were laughing the most of the time - scary? - NOT). The middle one was very exciting and so was the third one but we havent finished it yet...

And as we are so good at cooking we made crepes for a main dish  filled with creme fraiche and seafood and then we had panncakes for desert... haha

We also made our own ice-cream (yoghurt) with mango and raspberry!

It was very good actually.... ;)

Now, I have to go to the gym but I see you later - até logo!

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